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This article approaches the problem of the urban renewals and the impact about the right to the city at shortage of integral interventions that contributes to the solution of structural problems. The main objective analyses the actors and discourses that are activated around the public space renewal at the centre of Medellin, their motivations and incidences in the right to the city. For that is done a bibliograph revision at scale of Europe, Latin America and domestic; it is triangulated with the collected information through the ethnographic method and the Critical Theory for the Discourse Analysis. The findings evidence how the renewal activate discourses and becoming tensions in managements that don´t affect decisions about the city planning, but they influence in the technical decisions about the public space, affecting the relationships in the social space, because includes interests of citizens with better quality of life, that excludes outcast sectors. That inclusion is bound to the capacity or participation, where the outcast population is not expressed with the same efficiency; this usually don´t expose it´s interests at shortage of recognition of the mechanisms of citizen participation. In addition, the expectation of real estate developing propitiated by renewal is evidenced; response to the global practices in which the city is inserted, object of world economic consolidation. Thus, the inhabitants who have resisted precariously in the Center, sustaining themselves through informal, even illegal practices, endure: the social rejection of the upper classes and some features of gentrification as a strategy for the globalization of culture.
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