RevArq 15 2013
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Forero La Rotta, A., & Ospina Arroyave, D. (2013). Experience design. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 15(1), 78–83.

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Experience design is a source of innovation in the project development process that requires the collection of different skills and methods to achieve a complex view. In that sense, identifying and observing behaviors of people are qualitative elements necessary to understand not only the functional consumer experiences, but also cognitive and emotional experiences necessary to innovate design learning. In this way, the new approach to a broader link between design disciplines, society and the disciplinary activity. This article provides an overview of the implications and opportunities that experience design can contribute to design activities as a general discipline oriented to the creation of different types of products, and it reviews various theoretical and methodological approaches to identify concepts and emerging fields of action which articulate with the areas in which design develops its performance in society.



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