RevArq 15 2013
How to Cite
Capra Ribeiro, F. M. (2013). Processes translated : from design to research. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 15(1), 70–77.

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The architect commonly looks at the products of his work, he acts and experiments upon them, while the processes that allowed him to reach those results usually do not get much attention. Thus, this discussion seeks to focus on the procedures, to schedule its development and act with greater awareness to ultimately improve them. Research builds a platform for the exercise of a discipline based on self-criticism, interpretation and the cyclic path, on a qualitative methodological framework that allows addressing research from the expertise that architects naturally develop through training and practice. Apart from how far or near research and design might be, it has become evident that through the analysis and comparison of their processes, they can be mutually enriched and assemble strategies that could be used by the architect in both areas



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