RevArq 15 2013
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Gallardo Frias, L. (2013). The human being, place and energy efficiency as a projective basis in architectural strategies. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 15(1), 62–69.

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This article claims the central concern of Heidegger's philosophy: the human being as the center of the architectural project and foremost, whose nature implies being on earth as mortal, this means dwelling. Thus the essence of architecture is established as finding a place where human beings can live. To these two pillars: human being and place, the need to incorporate the energy efficiency projects is also added by means of reviewing key concepts and design strategies, not only to save energy and to improve the quality of life offered by a building, but also as a current ethical obligation. Three key variables, where different theories of various authors are reviewed, with the proposal of studying them in depth, relate them and take them into account during the entire process, both in its teaching and project aspects, to reach design strategies that consider: general and specific characteristics of the project, natural means of environmental control and renewable energy, in order to produce a resonance in human beings that opens a possibility to create a sense of Place.



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