How to Cite
Birche, M. (2022). Analysis of the distribution of urban street trees in La Plata, Argentina. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(2), 106–115.
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It’s analyzing the spatial distribution of the street trees in La Plata, understanding it as one of the fundamental factors to build quality public spaces and as a factor of pleasure in the perception of these spaces by the inhabitants, thanks to its high valuation in landscape quality. Therefore, it is proposed to identify those areas where there are the greatest deficiencies in terms of street trees through a georeferenced inventory and, also, compare these quantitative data with those obtained in a population survey. The results allow us to verify an important numerical disparity of specimens between the foundational center and the city suburbs. But, in addition, other aspects could also be inferred, such as the relationship between the plot occupation and the existence of street trees, evidencing the role of civil society as a promoter and developer of public trees.



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