How to Cite
Balter, J., Miranda Gassull, V., & Discoli, C. (2021). The Ventilated Façade and its possible adaptation in cities of Cuyo region, Argentina. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(2), 94–105.
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This paper aims to identify the possibilities of inserting the Ventilated Façade envelope system in the urban-building context of the Cuyo region, Argentina. To this end, two areas of analysis are considered: first, the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain, where the results of case monitoring concerning building regulations are contrasted. Second, the city of Mendoza, Argentina, where two dimensions are covered: on the one hand, if there is a promotion for the implementation of new technologies from the legal and regulatory devices; and on the other hand, the economic analysis of the materials necessary to adapt the local technology available to the envelope system under study, as well as the reductions in energy consumption for air conditioning that the system implies. The results of the work point out instrumental limitations, due to the complex requirements of the local building code for the approval and implementation of new technologies. Regarding the costs to adapt the local technology to the system under study, these are ten times lower than the available imported ones. Likewise, the internal building analysis by dynamic simulation showed reductions in energy consumption for air conditioning in the order of 20%. The results reveal potential opportunities for the local development of comprehensive solutions, through technologies aimed at energy efficiency, which include all sectors of the city and its building diversity.



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