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Padilla-Herrera, D. K. (2022). The place as moral space? Reflections on uses in architecture and public space. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 24–32.
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This article proposes a moral reflection of the place based on the use of the architectural object and its impact on the public space. As a starting point, the production of space is analyzed; subsequently, the use in the spatial discipline is discussed, approached from moral behavioral codes. Based on the above, maps are constructed to show how the architectural object assigns moral categories to public space, resulting in its abandonment. As a contribution, the concept of spatial morality is proposed, which shows how public space acquires moralities given from the function (use) of the space. In this sense, morality is understood from a regulatory perspective through which both the activity and the architectural object, the user and the immediate public space are included or excluded. Through the concept of spatial morality, new analysis tools are explored to understand the inhabited space.



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