How to Cite
Iglesias-García, V. (2022). Universidad del Valle campus: a laboratory of modern landscape design in Colombia. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(2), 126–138.
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Lyda Caldas was a pioneer, since the mid-1950s, in the teaching and professional practice of landscape design in Colombia. The landscape design made for the Meléndez campus, of the Universidad del Valle, in Cali, Colombia (1966-1968), is his most outstanding work, both for the extension of the project and for the possibility he had of carrying out his vision. of discipline. A characterization and assessment of the design strategies on campus were made, through qualitative research; also, through a methodological process that included the collection of planimetric, photographic, testimonial and documentary information associated with the original designs. The Meléndez campus project shows the influence of the conceptual and disciplinary contributions of modern landscape design, expressed by Trieb (1992), as well as the development of its own language, derived from an adaptation to the natural and cultural conditions of the site.



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