RevArq 15 2013
How to Cite
Moraga Lacoste, J. L., Cañete Islas, O. E., & López Flores, F. M. (2013). Local densification models according to regional gradients inside conurbation habitability, Valparaiso Viña, Rodelillo Alto. Revista De Arquitectura, 15(1), 22–32.

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This paper discusses the growth and spontaneous density at the edge of the city of Valparaiso, Rodelillo sector, close to the conurbation in Viña del Mar. Criteria are proposed to study aspects as well as the territory's own local conditions regarding the use and socio-cultural assimilation, whose interaction determines the densification processes and vernacular growth occurring there, raising the notion of gradient as a unifying basis for identifying and studying possible zoning. Facts such as the fire of February 2013, in the adjacent sector to the study area, reinforce the need for local models that consider the interaction of morphological variables such as wind, territory and local population densification. In the particular case of the Rodelillo sector at least five types of areas can be identified, articulated in a clear and direct territorial gradient expressed in local cartographies. This organized diversity can guide the development of local building and densification models.



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