El paisaje como elemento clave en la arquitectura bioclimática y sostenible en Montería
How to Cite
Stanford-Manjarrés, C. A. (2023). Landscape as a key element in bioclimatic and sustainable architecture in Monteria. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 25(1), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.14718/RevArq.2023.25.3070
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Landscape architecture is understood as the discipline that deals with the analysis and assessment of the material, environmental and formal conditions of the landscape, but always oriented to the production of open spaces through the project and the application of specific techniques. Sometimes landscape architecture is mistakenly linked to public space and/or urbanism when it encompasses much more. The main objective of the documentary research is to understand the reason for the implementation of the landscape based on the study of the characteristics of the environment and the expectations of the inhabitants, from the urban, commercial residential and institutional components, going to several authors and taking some project examples, which have deepened in this theme, why they are based on the benefits provided by landscape architecture both for the urban environment and architectural as for its inhabitants and the opportunities it offers in the short, medium and long term; taking the city of Monteria as a case study, an exploration was made through a photographic record of several sites, in which landscape architecture plays its role as an integrator of spaces between the user and his environment. Based on the main results of the exploration, architecture must begin to change its course, in order to harmonize with this environment, thus making a difference that makes it a unique architecture or, failing that, that inspires future projects, taking into account that the care of the ecosystem is fundamental, and landscape design is a solution to harmonize construction with the environment without entailing millionaire costs. in the implementation of bioclimatics and sustainability.



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