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Ritter, C., & Castro-Gonsales, C. (2022). Bulevar Artigas Housing Complex, Uruguay: a city proposal based on the critique of the second postwar period. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 63–73.
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This article is essentially inserted in the conceptual and projectual field of Uruguayan housing cooperatives, and its objective is to verify how and with what intensity the proposals of the international critical scenario of the 1950s and 1960s are resented, in relation to the functionalist city, in the projectual strategies used in the Bulevar Artigas Housing Complex. For this study, the scenario is mainly played by the groups Team 10 and Metabolistas, and it is argued here that, in an initially positive context given by the cooperative system, the reverberations of the principles of these groups were a great contribution to the success of this complex in terms of appropriation of the spaces by the inhabitants and of a general understanding, on their part, of their habitat. The limits and potentialities of these theoretical proposals, as well as their dialogue with contemporary life, could be verified through the observation of the “reality” of the housing complex by the authors.



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