How to Cite
Sabino, A.-B., Reis-Martins, P., & Carranza-Infante, M. (2020). Experiences and challenges of using mobile application data for urban mobility. Revista De Arquitectura, 22(1), 82–93.

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Urban mobility planning is included in a global scenario of increasing use of massive data to support decision making. However, many local governments do not have a structure that produces the data necessary to base their strategic projections. At the same time, private companies - such as Waze and Moovit (mobile application mobility managers) - have the ability to produce this data and, in addition, have demonstrated their availability to share them and thus improve planning conditions in cities. Nevertheless, managing this data and using it for the benefit of better urban planning and management is not a simple task. In South America, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Medellín have overcome important obstacles in this trajectory and became examples of innovation in the use of data. Based on the experience of these cities - and on surveys conducted with representatives of mobile apps companies and governments -, this article proposes a three-level model for the use of data for the benefit of urban mobility management and planning. The proposed model is in its initial stage and aims to draw parameters that help cities to develop a vision regarding the potential of data to generate actions and public policies of urban mobility.



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