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Sulbarán-Sandoval, J. A., Rangel-Rojas, R. H., & Guerrero-Torrenegra, A. J. (2022). Origins of Architectural Knowledge. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 74–83.
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This article attempts to unveil the existing articulation between the so-called knowledge of architecture, its theoretical conception, and the role of architects. The objective of this research establishes a chronology and a graphic and written interpretation of some theories of architecture that have been part of a reflexive thought about it. The methodological approach is composed of a systematic process supported by a hermeneutic method that intends the interpretation of the theories and authors for a better understanding of them, as well as their support, always taking into account the unique and relational manner of the authors’ positions with respect to what would be the architectural knowledge. Finally, it is confirmed that the knowledge of architecture is grounded on the knowledge of science and art based on its flexibility and its representativeness of reality in relation to everyday life.



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