How to Cite
Períes, L., Kesman, M. C., & de Lourdes Barraud, S. (2020). Color as a landscape component in townscape catalogues. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 22(1), 58–66.

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A deficiency in urban planning and design processes can be evidenced with a landscape approach, which is why the urban color can be understood as a significant component that contributes to consolidating the landscape character of the city. The work aims to address the urban color in the framework of the construction of a methodology for the elaboration of "Urban Landscape Catalogs" (CPU) applicable in different urban physical-spatial structures and geographical contexts. From photographic records in panoramic scanning format, captured in observation points of the urban space and through the use of software, representative color schemes of the landscape image are generated. From the identification and characterization phases, the result is an objective and qualitative interpretation of the colorimetric measurement information (HSL color system) that allows to relate and identify the environmental color composition of the landscape considering nature and culture in equal measure (anthropic constructions) and how this allows to guide urban plans and projects.



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