How to Cite
Rivera Crespo, O., & Colón Rodríguez, Y. (2021). Resilient housing in Puerto Rico: resisting disaster by redefining housing. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(2), 84–93.
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The purpose of this reflection article is to investigate the concept of resilience as a resistance enhancer in the case of housing in a natural and socioeconomic post-disaster context, in Puerto Rico. Resilience/resistance are proposed as two stages of a possible, radical and hopeful process. The objectives of this paper are: to demonstrate what a resilient/resistant house looks like, what qualities constitute it and how it can enable real forms of physical and social resistance. The bibliographic review supports the definition of the problem and the relevance of the research, in addition to contributing some theoretical considerations on disaster, resilience and housing, and providing references to broaden the interpretation. The methodology consists mainly of the analysis of spatial agency processes and housing projects in Puerto Rico seeking to resist disaster. As part of the results, parameters are outlined so that the house can resist the disaster in all its facets.



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