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Medina-Garzón, H., Arteaga-Botero, G. A., & López-Pérez, C. (2022). Morphologies and urban patterns in “palafítica” housing settlement. Revista De Arquitectura, 24(2), 84–93.
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The settle patterns that are present in a small-scale urban complex on the north coast of Colombia is the object of study. By the beginning of the observations, the structures showed the constructive peculiarities generated by the need to build it on the water. This special attribute within the vernacular architectures in Colombia indicated a condition to be developed. Analyzing the context of these architectures and framing the configurations of the whole, were the two parts for the development of the investigation. With the results, the characteristics of the set and the patterns or attributes that describe the logics of this particular process were contrasted. A methodology was developed to address how to combine the aspects, on the one hand, the constructive logics used for the houses (the materials, the systems and constructive logics) and another, how they pass to another logic, one of grouping or set. In this last aspect, the particular morphologies and typologies are something to be referenced in detail in Colombia of the vernacular or rural architectures.



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