How to Cite
Wieser, M., Onnis, S., & Meli, G. (2020). Thermal performance of light earth building envelope : possibilities of application in the peruvian territory. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 22(1), 164–174.

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Traditional and contemporary construction systems have shown serious limitations in the solution of the qualitative and quantitative deficit of housing and equipment. Evidence of thermal performance is equally discouraging. That is why this study enquiries about the ability of cob to provide thermal comfort in buildings, considering the different climates of the Peruvian territory and comparing it with the most common construction systems in the environment: adobe and brick masonry. As of the previous characterization of the components’ thermal qualities, the carrying out of dynamic thermal simulations and comparing the performance of different digital prototypes, the virtues of cob to provide thermal comfort in buildings were identified. The good performance of the material is attributed to the marked balance between a medium thermal mass and a relatively low thermal conductivity. It is the only one that meets the requirements of the current Peruvian energy efficiency standard in the case of colder climates. Additionally, the ecological advantages associated to the use of natural, renewable and biodegradable materials in the composition of the proposed construction system are highlighted.



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