How to Cite
Arroyo, J. (2019). Journals in techno-human times. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(1), 3–7.

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The age of information imposes conditions on scientific journals that imply the adoption of specific technical guidelines for the publication of content on the internet, as well as new ways of disseminating, storing, and recovering knowledge. It also imposes new criteria for validating the quality of journals that, until recently, were mainly the responsibility of national research centers. Currently, this task is associated with databases that operate on a large scale on the net. These concentration hubs establish their own indexing requirements for publications, a necessary condition to gain greater visibility in the virtual space. The paper reflects on these issues in the light of the concept of techno-human times developed by Yuval Harari, with a focus on open and free access to information, an inalienable condition for the dissemination of knowledge.



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