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Linares-Bermúdez, M. A. (2021). Contribution of research competencies to the integration of curricular knowledge. A vision in the architectural design learning scenario. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(1), 66–73.

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This paper is aimed at understanding the significance of research competencies for the integration of curricular knowledge in the Architectural Design Workshop (ADW). This study was developed from the Pedagogical Phenomenological Hermeneutic approach of Van Manen (2003), focusing the interest in experiences lived by students and professors of Architecture, supported by theoretical references. Based on in-depth interviews, and on analysis and triangulation of data with theoretical contributions, intersubjective interpretations were made, from which the following categories emerged: research processes, knowledge integration processes, ADW vision, and the teacher´s role, which made it possible to understand the relevance of the research competencies, through processes, practices and attitudes towards research; the latter, of high significance, as they enable the understanding, development and efficiency of the design process as a result of integrating curricular knowledge. A theoretical approach to the contribution of these competences for the integration of curricular knowledge in the ADW was elaborated.



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