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Rodríguez-Ahumada, C. (2018). Scientific articles as a learning tool in architecture schools. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 20(2), 3–9.

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This paper aims to contribute to reflections on teaching, through the recognition of scientific articles as a learning tool in architecture schools. To this end, theoretical documents on the training of architects, letters and agreements of international organizations, publications of student works, and reflection articles about teaching were compiled. Likewise, weighted percentage data were presented on disciplinary topics published during the last three years in the Revista de Arquitectura. Consequently, the paper emphasizes the importance of "making" in thought formation, as well as it suggests the application of a complementary academic work methodology, based on processes of listening, dialogue, experimentation, and reflection, as fundamental actions in project development. Finally, it highlights the importance of using scientific articles as an exercise to promote cognitive and current debate in classrooms.



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