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Gutiérrez-Morales, G. (2019). Traditional and popular architectures: a challenge for architecture historiography in Colombia. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 22(2), 60–68.

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This reflection raises the need to redirect the look on traditional architectures, in this case of the Misak and Nasa indigenous peoples, as well as black communities in the Cauca department, a reflection motivated by the need to recognize the architecture of these human groups to be part of the historiography of Colombian architecture. The above based on two investigations whose objective was the critical reconstruction of the transformations of these architectures during the period of modernization of the nation-state. Methodological exercise that integrates ethnography, the review of notarial and press archives, cartography and planimetries, on-site architectural surveys and chronotypologies of these architectures in the urban and rural areas of the municipalities of Silvia and Suárez. What this seeks is acknowledging the house as a basic habitat, where the starting point of social reproduction lies with its representations and symbolisms, as a structural element of the culture of human groups settled in the rurality of Cauca.



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