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Mayorga-Henao, J. M. (2019). Urban facilities: "places" of social capital production. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(2), 68–75.

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Urban facilities, understood as spaces in which social processes are shaped and where social capital is created, are an alternative for the transformation and improvement of quality of live in spatial patterns of high social differentiation and segregation. Thus, a reflection on how possibilities of access to the flows and interactions that materialize in urban facilities can determine the conditions of segregation of individuals and social groups. Through a sociological and geographic review using spatial and conceptual analysis, this article establishes the importance of facilities as places of production of social capital, to reduce inequality and poverty in urban contexts. It concludes there is a verifiable relationship between access to urban facilities of education, culture, and recreation and quality of life in Bogota. Finally, it considers that a policy to improve the quality of life in Latin American cities should seek to strengthen spaces that allow for individuals to cross cognitive horizons and the interaction of members of society in their daily lives.



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