How to Cite
Solano-Meneses, E. E. (2018). Symbolic rhetoric in the architectural space : an anthropological view of the house in the age of supermodernity. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 20(2), 51–61.

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This research aims to analyze the symbolic aspects of the supermodern house, with a methodology that uses anthropic variables. It is based on the idea of the house as a cellular anthropological space, the minimum space in which human beings develop, generally determined architecturally in terms of aesthetics and function. Nevertheless, this anthropological approach has not been addressed from architecture; rather, it has been limited and infringed, causing a crisis in inhabited spaces. The methodological proposal of an ethnographic approach is based on the anthropological dimension of spaces, through the inclusion of architectural design variables that arise from the analysis of the Maslow pyramid. The paper concludes that aspects such as self-realization, security and belonging, among others, are violated under the current architectural approaches, a situation that affects the symbolic sense of the supermodern house.



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