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Santamarina-Macho, C. (2017). From utopia to domestic dystopia : the creation of the american housing model. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 19(1), 24–32.

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In the United States, after the end of World War I I, there was a debate on how to tackle the housing issue based on the need to quantitatively satisfy a growing demand and the requirements of a new domesticity associated with the American Way of Life. Industrial technology, particularly prefabrication, was seen as an architectural, political, and economic instrument, through which to make the American dream affordable, but its standardized solutions soon proved insufficient for a dynamic society, which had to seek alternative solutions to its needs. The confrontation between standardized domestic models—the dominant tract houses in planned suburbs and some informal expressions of housing such as those associated with mobile housing—offers a framework to reflect on some of the challenges of domestic architecture in the future.



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