How to Cite
Lavilla-Iribarren, A. C. (2016). Parallel evolution of cinematographic stories and the architecture of cinemas between 1900 and 1930 : with a special attention to the spanish case. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 18(2), 60–70.

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The evolution of cinematographic projection rooms has been studied in a fragmented way according to geographic regions or styles and without establishing relations to the improvements experienced by the motion pictures themselves and the requirements for their exhibition. Based on a bibliographical revision of specialized journals and a database search in archives and film libraries of different European cities, this article explores the concordance between the progress made in filmography and movie theaters, from the first experimental movies in the early twentieth century exhibited in street fairs, to the great blockbusters of the 1930s projected in cinema palaces. A special attention is given to the movie theaters built in Spain, which served as a vehicle for the introduction and consolidation of avantgarde styles in the Iberian peninsula.



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