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Cañete-Islas, O. E., Moraga-Lacoste, J. L., & López-Flores, F. M. (2018). Inhabiting the ravine : gradient configuration in the vernacular layouts of the higher sectors of Valparaíso. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 20(2), 20–35.

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Self-construction and spontaneous settlements can also be considered as a socio-familiar factor that contributes to integration and cohesion with physical and natural environments. The study of spontaneous densification and construction, as well as different morphological-territorial variables that influence and delimit growth processes in the urban layout allow a better understanding of zoning and a recognition of interactions at scale and how they promote the emergence of habitability qualities and the sense of belonging to a place, or the weakening, deterioration, and destruction of life in a place. In this sense, the paper studies the natural connection system between the so-called La Pólvora road and the flat-center sector of the city of Valparaíso. As a result, it characterizes these sectors and proposes the notion of densification gradient, which acts as a criterion for territorial zoning that contemplates morphological-dynamic models in vernacular urban densification, based on gradients of habitability and the need for regulation and intervention in risk areas.



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