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Zalamea-León, E., & Quesada, F. (2017). Criteria for the architectural integration of active solar energy : technological potential and design attitudes. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 19(1), 56–69.

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The global energy problem has prompted the necessary inclusion of energy efficiency measures in buildings and communities. However, this is not enough if the goal is to definitely eliminate fossil fuels, as well as to minimize the impact of energy exploitation on the environment. Therefore, it is fundamental to include alternatives for energy auto-sufficiency in the buildings themselves. Solar irradiation is a huge resource, especially in mid-latitude and clearly equatorial areas. This research reviews historical antecedents for active solar energy integration from the perspective of architecture, through a compilation of historical data, technologies available in accordance with the demand, and technological aspects to be considered in buildings. It also presents recent findings regarding architectural integration as a functional and morphological aspect. Based on this analysis, different levels for the architectural integration of solar panels are proposed. It depends on the analysed conditions and possibilities that solar collectors are efficient in production and are in harmony with architecture.



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