RevArq Volúmen 18-1 2016
How to Cite
Trujillo, J., & Cubillos, R. A. (2016). Simulation as a tool for architectural design and evaluation : resolved patterns from engineering. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 18(1), 111–125.

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An overview of the importance of sustainable design process applied to buildings is presented. Given that the field of construction is one of the areas with the highest environmental impact, it is important to analyze what would be the new design processes for buildings in terms of sustainability. These concepts were applied to a case study using discrete simulation, which allows an assessment of capacity building along with its resources, to make decisions expansion in the architectural design process. Data were analyzed in the SPSS statistical program and simulated in ProModel. The proposed educational model can be useful when applied to a multidisciplinary context, where industrial engineering and architecture students interact. This exercise can be applied in the classroom; Doing so, could help reduce design times and improve communication between students since it involves multidisciplinary work.



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