Publication Frequency


Between 1999 and 2015, Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) published a volume per year. Starting in 2016, two volumes are published per year in anticipated periods (January-June and July-December), but the journal also offers the advance online publication of accepted articles (post-print version of the author).

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) is distributed in digital versions (PDF, HTML, XML), as well as in print with a print run of 700 copies (suspended due Covid-19 Protocols) The production time of these versions will depend on schedules established by the publisher.

Times of reception-review-acceptance may vary between six and twelve months depending on the editorial workflow of each section, the peer-review process, and the advance publication.

With their usernames and passwords, authors may enter the editorial management platform and check the status of peer-review, editing, or publishing of the article.


Last updated: July 2021

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