Ethics and publication malpractice statement

The RRevista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) is committed to complying with and respecting ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. The authors of the published articles will comply with the ethical principles contained in the different declarations and legislation on intellectual property and copyright specific to the country where the research was carried out. Consequently, the authors of the articles submitted and accepted for publication, which present research results, must sign the declaration of originality (RevArq FP00 Declaration of originality).

The REVISTA DE ARQUITECTURA (BOGOTÁ) recognizes and adopts the principles of transparency and good practices described by COPE, "Core practices" (2023)

The members of the editorial team of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) keep confidentiality about the articles received, and refrain from using data, arguments or interpretations in their own investigations until the article is published. Keep impartiality and manage the articles properly and within the established deadlines. The selection of reviewers will be done objectively and they must respond to the theme of the article.

The editor, authors and reviewers must follow the international ethical standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in order to avoid cases of:

  1. Fabrication, falsification or omission of data.
  2. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
  3. Redundant, duplicate, or fragmented publication.
  4. Omission of references to the sources consulted.
  5. Use of content without permission or without justification.
  6. Individual appropriation of collective authorship.
  7. Authorship changes.
  8. Undisclosed or declared conflict of interest (CDI).
  9. Others that may arise in the research and publication process.

The fabrication of results is generated by displaying data invented by the authors. Forgery results when data is manipulated and changed at the whim of the authors. The omission originates when the authors deliberately hide a fact or data. Plagiarism occurs when an author presents ideas or data created by other authors as their own. Plagiarism is considered when i) a direct copy of a text is included without quotation marks or citing the source; ii) when some words of the original text are modified, paraphrased without citing the sources; Self-plagiarism occurs when the same author reuses his own material that has already been published, but without indicating the reference to the previous work. Redundant or duplicate publication refers to the total, partial or altered copy of a work already published by the same author.

The journal relies on tools and software that detect any of these cases in the submitted articles, and it is the job of the editors and reviewers to ensure originality, fidelity in the citation, and compliance with ethical standards.

In case of suspicion of any misconduct, the flow charts prepared by COPE (2022) will be followed, in order to determine the corresponding actions.

The REVISTA DE ARQUITECTURA (BOGOTÁ) reserves the right to retract the publication of those articles that, after their publication, are shown to present errors in good faith, or committed fraud or bad scientific practices. This decision will be supported by the “Retraction Guidelines” (COPE, 2009). If the error is minor, it can be rectified by means of an editorial correction note or an errata. Authors also have the possibility to request publication retraction when they discover that their work contains serious errors. In all cases, the electronic version will be kept and the warnings will be made clearly and unequivocally.

More information>>> Editorial team - functions and good practices

The authors are the holders of the Copyright © of the published text; The Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) requests the signing of an authorization to reproduce the article (RevArq FP03 Authorization to reproduce), which is covered by the CC license, where the right of first publication of the work is expressed.

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) is guided by international standards on intellectual property and copyright, and in particular article 58 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, Law 23 of 1982 and Agreement 172 of September 30, 2010. (Intellectual property regulation of the Catholic University of Colombia).

Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |