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Jannière, H., Ávila-Gómez, A., & Ruíz, D. C. (2016). Architectural criticism as an object of research. Revista De Arquitectura, 18(2), 120–134.

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The article by Hélène Jannière, published in 2009 in Cahiers de la Recherche architecturale et urbaine (in a special issue co-directed by the same author, together with Kenneth Frampton), presents an overview of the hypotheses, critical literature, and corpus that have nurtured—and delimited—the debates about and from architectural criticism during the last half-century. By analyzing it as an object of research itself, Jannière questions, from various perspectives, the main aspects related to the origins, transformations, and even contradictions that have shaped architectural criticism and its discourses. Drawing on texts by authors such as Venturi, Zevi, Collins, Bonta, Pawley, and Montaner, among others, the author finally proposes a series of clues that can help to understand the role and meaning of architectural criticism beyond the controversies and polemics about its disciplinary specificity, the crisis of its autonomy, or the volatility that has characterized the typologies established to understand it.



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