Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 07 2005
How to Cite
Mosquera Noguera, R. A., & Ahumada Mangarres, A. P. (2005). Squatters in latin america. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 7(1), 14–20. Retrieved from

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Squatting is a form of appropriation of land and it expresses legal illegitimacy in the urban and architectural order. The social connotation respond to the inabilities of families to acquire cash to be able to gain legal access to housing and public services. This kind of settlements can be seen mostly in derelict sub-normal areas of cities, (downtown centers and peripheral areas). The main components of this kind of irregular settlements are access to land, production of housing, and the appropriation of collective public services. During the fight for housing people get illegal access to the basic components of a house and assures their rights through a government regularization process that improves and consolidate those collective goods.



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