Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 11 2009
How to Cite
Villar Lozano, M. R. (2009). Housing, environment and territorial development : fundamental collective rights for the construction of the social justice. Proposal to the Constitution of 1991. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 11(1), 4–11. Retrieved from

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The demographic expansion and the limitless and not planned growth of the cities, joined to the lack of development in the rural areas, are presented as characteristic phenomena of the XX century that leave, besides environmental problems without precedents, a debt to most of the Colombian population generating lack of opportunities for their socioeconomic and cultural development. This induces that the new classification model and Colombian territorial development is framed in three fundamental axes as they are: housing, the environment and the patrimony. This reflection, product of studies and investigations regarding the development, the classification and the planning of the Colombian territory along the last and entrance the present century, outlines the imperious necessity to respond to this model starting from a classification and an integral planning that propend for the sustainable development of this territory and its community in answer to the command of the constitution of Colombia promulgated in 1991.



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