Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 11 2009
How to Cite
Fonseca González, J. A. (2009). Mapping of Pasto 1800-2006 : documental corpus, cartographic characterization. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 11(1), 57–67. Retrieved from

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This article is the result of the investigation presented on the cartography of the city of Pasto, with a reference to understands valuable information about the historical moment and the urban growth. As documental sources, the plans constitute a primary source, they show the land use by the constructions, and they are the graphic representation of the physical-space evolution of the city. The plans harbor a history to refer, only recoverable through the reading and writing of what is represented as images. This investigation outlines the storing of cartographic information fundamentally, and, starting from the inventory of the plans of the city of Pasto, carries out a graphic interpretation of this plans to give a version of the urban evolution of the city. Starting with the compilation of the cartographic documents journey s carried out and comparative study that defines the main differences in chronological order, to outline a characterization of the cartographic evolution of the city.



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