Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
How to Cite
Muñoz, M. (2012). The modern city, literally speaking : or how to read what fiction writers say about urban settlements. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 14(1), 12–19. Retrieved from

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The article presents an analysis on the role that metaphors play in the relation between literature and the city, firstly, as the characteristic literary speculation of postmodern theorists that look into those paradigmatic books of world literature in search of implicit keys and clues to decipher the urban phenomena by means of sophisticated comparisons with several bodies of knowledge, and secondly, as the more literal interpretations of late outlooks in which the city is read based on the explicit descriptions given by writers on their novels. Finally, the article concludes that, despite the fact that architects do not take into account the point of view of literature precisely because its metaphoric content, it is quite evident that the novel above all offers an unswerving way to be acquainted with what city inhabitants have to say about the experience of the physical space of the city, a more than clear motivation to consider it more seriously.



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