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Payo-De-La-Cuerda, B., Cuerdo-Vilches, T., & Navas-Martín, M. Ángel. (2024). Hostile architecture and youth space deprivation in Madrid: Qualitative study using Photovoice methodology. Revista De Arquitectura, 27(1).
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This article addresses the research question: how do young people in Madrid perceive hostile architecture and the effects it provokes? It focuses on the impact of hostile architecture in Madrid, highlighting its influence on young people. A qualitative study was carried out, using the photovoice technique, reveals that this practice generates discomfort, disidentification with the environment and discrimination among adolescents. The limitation of healthy leisure time and the promotion of an individualistic lifestyle are additional consequences. This exploratory study collected testimonies from eight young people, it highlights the need to consider their experiences in order to improve the urban environment. Hostile architecture not only affects vulnerable groups, such as homeless people, but also undermines the Right to the City of the whole population. The findings underline the importance of listening to young people in order to revitalise public space, promote inclusivity and create a more egalitarian and caring city.



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