How to Cite
Sánchez-Amono, M. P., Sulaiman, H., & Gaggino, R. (2024). Recycled rubber and plastic tiles: analysis of their opto-thermal properties . Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(1), 49–64.
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The indoor comfort conditions of buildings depend on variable variables such as orientation, ventilation and the characteristics of the materials used. The accumulation or loss of heat due to these characteristics has a significant impact on the energy consumption of buildings. Incident shortwave solar radiation is absorbed by the built surfaces and re-emitted to the atmosphere in the form of a long wave, sensible heat. This article presents the opto-thermal properties (albedo, thermal emissivity, surface temperature and solar reflectance index) of tiles made with rubber, coming from the tires not in use; and low-density polyethylene of discarded bags, drums and pipes. Results are discussed defining advantages and disadvantages, as well as guidelines for future research. 



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