How to Cite
Pelegrin, G., Fleker, L., & Ferrero, A. A. (2019). Re thinking the technological approach : the case of the experimental center for economic housing (CEVE) in Argentina. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(1), 110–118.

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The Experimental Center for Economic Housing (Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica, or CEVE) is a research center with over 50 years of experience in the field of popular habitat. The center has been home to technological and organizational developments, either implemented by the center itself or transferred to other institutions and communities. As in many other occasions, the current institutional profile is in a moment of transition. Therefore, this article seeks to reflect on previous and present approaches on how to understand the issue of popular habitat and its evolution within the institutional framework, with a special focus on the scope and limitations of the technological approach in addressing housing needs given the increased complexity of the current method. This paper analyzes three recent experiences working side by side with both private and state actors, where non-technological factors played a key role to assess the performance of programs in resolving the identified needs.



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