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Morales-Guzmán, C. C. (2018). Design and pattern development of the shape of a tense structure. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 20(1), 71–87.

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Aiming to create a methodology for geometric adjustments of minimum surfaces, the paper proposes a method that starts with the systematization of steps carried out in a virtual program, to create then scaled and real size physical models of tense structures made of canvas or textile material with the purpose of generating a range of unique designs of said models. The difficult adaptation of the form helps to create pattern designing, since the pattern is subject to the constructive measures of the material; based on this method, geometric adjustments will be generated and modular patter designs will be formed. The method can be synthesized by means of a specialized software called Win Tess that helps to create the analysis and design of this type of structures. For this experimental research, several types of complex models were developed in order to become familiar with the singular form of a double-curved canopy. Consequently, a practical application for the constructive design of a tense structure was achieved.



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