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Chupín, J.-P., Ávila-Gómez, A., & Ruiz-Robayo, D. C. (2017). Vectors for a theoretical cartography : a navigation compass for an ocean of doctoral theses in architecture. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 19(2), 94–106.

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Based on two fundamental questions on the meaning of doctoral research in architecture, and its objectives, methods, and disciplinary boundaries, this paper presents a pedagogical orientation model for products of doctoral programs, conceived as a "navigation compass for theories and theses:" it offers at least eight perspectives to guide and classify theses in architecture based on the description of different types of historical and theoretical writings in architecture. The Aérides or Tower of the Winds is the real model that inspired this proposal, whose structure follows an internal cartography that organizes—on two axes and in eight directions—the most influential texts in Western architectural culture (from Vitrubio to Koolhaas). The doctoral thesis of American architect Peter Eisenman (defended in I963 in Cambridge, UK, and published in 2006) serves as an example to explain the definition of the vectors of a "theoretical cartography of theses in architecture."



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