Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 10 2008
How to Cite
Contreras Lovich, H. N. (2008). The planning and urban administration : in local-metropolis-global scales. Revista De Arquitectura, 10(1), 49–55. Retrieved from

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The strategies to plan, to negotiate and to design the Venezuelan cities, it has shown with more integrity the presence of informal establishments. In and of itself, when he/she begins in Venezuela the decentralization of the taking of decisions, granting new powers to the communities or communal advice, changes take place in the formation of the metropolises, completing it in such a way and it includes integrated diversity to the global reality of the Venezuelan cities. Consequently, the metropolitan reality sustains a complex plot, until transforming the nets of interactions between the fellow and the externality of the social and collective structure.



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En grabaciones

Pargas, L. (2007). Seminario de Investigación. Las Representaciones Sociales. Venezuela: Mérida. HUMANIC. Universidad de Los Andes: Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas.

Silva. A. (2007). Seminario en Sociología de lo cotidiano. Venezuela: Mérida. HUMANIC. Universidad de Los Andes: Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas.

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