Revista de Arquitectura Vol.17 Nro.1
How to Cite
Ávila-Gómez, A. (2015). Movie theaters in architectural publications from the 1930s. a look at the case of cinéac. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 17(1), 44–61.

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During the first quarter of the twentieth century the existing cinema halls were characterized by luxury, monumentality and capabilities to achieve capacity of thousands of spectators. In the thirties it originated in European countries as a typological variant known as cinéac (contraction of ciné et actualités). The architecture of the cinéac and the mediation of which were the subject specifically in France and Belgium are addressed by the systematic review of architectural magazines of the time and in the literature shows that portrayed advances in the architecture and theater of cinemas. This article shows cinéac history and its role in the transition to a moderate architecture and smaller scale cinemas, it highlights the work of architects Siclis and De Montaut & Gorska and ends with a review of the exterior architecture of cinéac.



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Revistas de Arquitectura

La Cite (Bélgica).

La Construction Moderne (Francia).

La Technique des Travaux (Bélgica). The Ideal Kinema and Studio (Reino Unido).

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