Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 1.The work must be original and unpublished, and present the results of research processes. Author(s) must ensure that the article has not been published previously or under consideration by any other journal (or an appropriate explanation has been given in the Comments to the editor). (Fill out RevArq FP00 Declaration of Originality).

  • 2. In attached files, in ZIP or RAR format, there will be submitted: I) pictures, photographs, and figures in JPG or TIFF format (each in a separate file, minimum 300dpi); II) tables, charts, graphs, and formulas in editable format (in the program in which they were created or in PDF, not as images).

  • 3. In attached files, these documents must be sent in ZIP or RAR format:
    RevArq FP00 Declaration of Originality (duly signed over the original and scanned).
    RevArq FP01 Resume (one for each author).
    RevArq FP02 Information Research Projects

  • 4. The text fulfills the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guideline, which appear in the “About the journal” section. Among others:
    • The submitted file must be in Word or similar (editable) format. See Template for Article Submission.
    • The text must be double-spaced, with 12-point font size, and margins of 3 cm, and fulfill other recommendations of the APA manual.
    • It has an analytical abstract.
    • All figures (illustrations, photographs, graphs) and tables must be in the body of the text, not at the end, and have title and source.
    • Whenever possible, URLs should be provided for electronic references.

  • 5. If the article is submitted to a peer-reviewed session of the journal, instructions on How to ensure an anonymous review must be followed.

  • 6. In case the article is accepted, author(s) must sign a Permission to Reproduce and Distribute form (RevArq FP03 Permission to Reproduce).

Author Guidelines

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) receives articles permanently. Articles are processed as they are submitted, depending on the editorial workflow in each section.

The official publishing language is Spanish, while English, Portuguese, and French are optional languages. Texts can be written and submitted in any of these languages.

The submitted articles should correspond to universally accepted categories as research product, and be original and unpublished; contents should meet criteria of accuracy, clarity, and shortness.

As a reference point, we suggest to follow the typologies and definitions specified in the Índice Bibliográfico Nacional, Publindex (2010), described below:

1)    Review Article: This document is the result of a finished research, which analyzes, systematizes, and integrates published or unpublished research findings in a field of science and technology, in order to present progress and development tendencies. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

2)    Science and Technology Research Article: This paper presents in detail the original findings of a finished research project. The general structure consists of four important parts: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.

3)    Reflection Paper: This document presents the findings of a finished research project from the author?s analytic, interpretative, or critical perspective on a specific topic and with the support of original sources.

In all cases, there must be presented sufficient information so that any researcher can reproduce the research and confirm or refute the expressed interpretations.

Other types of work can also be submitted, besides the aforementioned, such as short articles, case reports, topic reviews, papers resulting from a critical review of literature on a particular topic, letters to the editor, translations, non-research-based reflective texts, literature reviews, as well as architecture or urban planning projects, among others.



Articles must be submitted through the website of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), with a written communication directed to the editor-in-chief (RevArq FP00 Declaration of Originality) (duly signed by all authors, in original)[1]. Similarly, the resume form must be completed RevArq FP01 Curriculum Vitae (one for each author).

By means of the written communication, the author certifies that she or he knows and accepts the editorial policies of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), that the article has not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere, and that there is no conflict of interest (see example RevArq FP06 CDI). Similarly, if the article is accepted, the author grants to the Universidad Católica de Colombia as publisher of the journal the right of first publication and non-exclusive rights.

 Articles should follow these recommendations:


The first page of the text should include:

Title: No more than 15 words.

- Subtitle: Optional; it complements the title or indicates the main sections of the text.

Name of the author(s): Full name, or name according to the citation model used to normalize authors names (ORCID). In a footnote (no more than 150 words): academic background, professional and research experience, work affiliation, awards and recognitions, representative publications, and contact information (email, mailing address, or phone number).

Institutional affiliation: Under the name, there must be stated the institution in which the product was developed, which supported financially or endorsed the research project.

Abstract: It is a one-paragraph, analytical description of the topic, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions; it must not exceed 180 words.

Keywords: Five words or groups of words, in alphabetical order, not included in the title or subtitle. They help to classify the article thematically. It is recommended to use words defined in the UNESCO Thesaurus (, or in The Art & Architecture Thesaurus © (

It is also recommended to include the title, abstract, and keywords in a second language.


The second and following pages should follow these recommendations:

The body of the article is generally divided in: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion of Results, Conclusions and Contributions and acknowledgments, followed by Bibliographical References and Appendices (IMRaD method). Tables and Figures should be incorporated in the text.

Description of the Research Project: In the introduction, authors should describe the type of the article and present a short research framework for the paper. They must also complete the form (RevArq FP02 Information Research Projects).

Text: All pages should be numbered and with the title of the article at the bottom (footnote). Preferred text format: justified, with margins of 3 cm on all sides, double-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman font size 12 (See Template for Article Submission).

Lenght of articles: The length of articles should be around 5,000 words (±20 pages, including graphs, tables, charts, etc.); between 3,500 (minimum) and 8,000 (maximum) words. We recommend using the current style and recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). (For more information see

Citations and Footnotes: Clarifying notes or footnotes must not exceed five lines or 40 words; otherwise, they should be included in the general text.

Quotations can be:

Short: less than 50 words, included in the text, and they could be direct (using quotation marks), paraphrase or summary (written in the authors own words within the text).

Long direct quotation: (more than 50 words), it should start on a new line, in a freestanding block, indented, and with no quotation marks; the author last name, the year of publication, and page number must not be omitted.

References: As a model on how to cite references, we recommend the citation style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) ( More information and examples>>>

Acronyms: In case of using acronyms in the text, figures, or tables, authors must provide their full expansions the first time they are used, and enclose them in parentheses. In case of quoting well-known figures, full names should be used, never abbreviations.

Figures and Tables: Figures (graphics, diagrams, illustrations, blueprints, maps, or photographs) and tables must be numbered and have an explicative title or caption related to the article?s topic with no more than 15 words (Figure 1. xxxxx, Table 1. xxxx, etc.), as well as the source (author or source, year, page number). They should be cited directly in the text or in parenthesis; cross-referencing is recommended.

Figures and tables should be submitted in a digital copy, independent from the text, in open or editable formats. The marking of files should match those included in the text. Depending on the length of the text, it should include 5 to 10 graphics. See How to Find Public Domain or CC Licensed Images.

Authors are responsible for obtaining necessary reproduction rights or permission for images and/or graphics taken from other sources (RevArq FP04a Permission to Reproduce Graphic Material), as well as from interviews or material produced by collaborators different from the authors. Similarly, the protection of data and privacy must be guaranteed when it is necessary.

Photographs: They can be submitted in physical format to be digitalized; otherwise, they should be digitalized at a resolution of 300dpi or higher for color images and 600dpi for grayscale. Photos must be saved in TIFF, PSD, or JPG format, and they should meet the criteria described in the previous section (Graphics).

Planimetry: The original planimetry must be submitted in digital format, using CAD format whenever possible, with the corresponding drawing file or PDF. If not possible, they should be printed out in letter size with numbered references of spaces on an attached list. They should have graphic scale, number scale, north, coordinates, and location. If it possible, they should not have texts, hatch patterns, or stretches.

For more details, consult RevArq Parameters for Authors Description on the website of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá).



In recognition of the authors, two (2) copies of the print edition will be mailed, at no cost, to the mailing address given at the Resume form (RevArq FP01); additionally, they will be provided the link to download the digital version.

Similarly, authors will receive an informative certificate, confirming the publication of the article, with optional details on the dates of the editorial and peer review process.


* All forms and detailed instructions can be found on the website of Revista de Arquitectura (

To view these instructions in a different language, please consult the website of Revista de Arquitectura.


Last updated: July 2021

[1] All forms and detailed instructions can be found on the website of Revista de Arquitectura.


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