Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
How to Cite
Alvariño Tapia, N., & Felipe Sánchez, E. (2012). Design proposal for a theater of 1500 spectators : a look from the origins of this architectural typology. Revista De Arquitectura, 14(1), 43–56. Retrieved from

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In this article it is shown, in synthesis, the result of the process of research taken to end like tool for the design of a new theater in Havana, Cuba. For this purpose the historical evolution of the theaters is examined from their origins with the aim of achieving a familiarization with those outstanding aspects that intervene in this architecture type. Then, the evolution of this architectural typology in Cuba allows to know the immediate records, the different configurations space employees, as well as the possible securities to assume seeking to continue the studied cultural patrimony, while the current tendencies offer an approach to the new design approaches to keep in mind. On the other hand the analysis of the context to intervene allows the identification of the elements to evaluate to establish a correct integration with the means. Lastly the proposal architectural sample the solution adopted as a result of the previous analyses.



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